8 December, 2021
(Photos courtesy of Julie Tavé)

Dear Friends,
I just wanted to write a note of thanks to all of those who organised, moved furniture, ran stalls, provided refreshments, handled the financials and supported the Christmas Fête last Saturday. 
I would especially like to thank Rachel Ischoffen for all her hard work, organising us all beforehand, and behind the scenes.
Each day last week the excitement slowly grew, as the church filled with bric a brac, flowers and a mountain of books! I witnessed your creativity in providing spaces for crafts, books and even a stable ! I saw how a mountain of donated gifts changed almost overnight into the most beautiful of hampers.
I also experienced first hand how hard many of you worked and how exhausting it was, but as a family we really pulled together to make it a successful and memorable day. I felt so very proud to be part of it all and part of the family!
The Fête raised in the region of €8000 which will go towards the various charities we support.
Thank you all so much!
Rev’d Charlotte

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