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In response to Thursday evening’s announcement by President Emmanuel Macron, and in order to protect the most vulnerable members of our church family by slowing the rapid spread of the Covid-19 virus, our Locum Ministers, Church Wardens and Church Council have agreed that there will be no services at church on Sunday 15th March (as is the case for most churches in the Paris area), however the church will be open from 9am to 12pm on Sunday morning for anyone who wishes to come to pray or talk together*.

Furthermore, it has been decided to suspend all of the children’s groups that meet at the church until further notice (Little Fishes, Sunday Groups, Youth Group, Trinity English School, Scouts and Guides, Easter Mini-Club etc.), and also to postpone our upcoming Annual General Meeting (Sunday 29th March) until a later date.

In these extreme times, let us all make an extra effort to keep in touch with each other by phone, email, text, whatsapp etc., to talk and pray, to find out how people are, to help each other practically where possible, and encourage each other. Meeting physically in small low-risk, symptom-free groups is also ok*.

For this Sunday, here are some resources you can use at home:

Some songs that were planned for this week’s service are below:

* when meeting together physically, please respect the “safe distance” of 1m and keep to the recommended hygiene protocols (hand-washing, cough/sneeze into single use tissue or elbow etc.)
