Our Theme for 2022 – Building a Firm Foundation
As many of you know a large number of our church family have now made a commitment to a “Read the Bible in a year” plan. Other members of our community continue to regularly study the Bible together through our Bible study groups.
During a recent sermon I commented that I couldn’t think of anything more powerful than a church reading the Bible together. This is because the the Bible is the foundation of our faith, through its pages we walk with Jesus and the Holy Spirit opens our hearts to receive the knowledge of God’s love, and forgiveness; as well as practical instruction for a life of discipleship, caring for His world and His people.
Richard Medcalf and I are partnering with you through this journey and we would like to propose that we make this our theme for 2022 – “Building a Firm Foundation”. By having a theme for the year we feel that it will ensure that we have the time and the space to fully explore what it means to become familiar with God’s word.
We already have some initiatives planned including workshops, study days, plus some different elements which we hope will encourage us all and help us to build on our theme throughout the coming year.
We believe this is a very exciting time for us at Holy Trinity and we both look forward to learning alongside you and seeing how God will bless us in the coming year.
Yours in Christ,
Rev’d Charlotte
✅ Click here to join a Zoom “Bible in a year – catch up” at 8pm on Weds 19th January
The Bible reading plan,the Bible recap, can be found on the Bible application (for phone or tablet). You can join any time, read and catch up, or start to follow the plan at your own speed. Our prayer is that God will bless us as a community through the daily study of His Word, and by sharing our insights (and questions!) with each other.
✅ Click here for more information on the Bible Recap
✅ Click here to join Holy Trinity’s “Bible Recap” Whatsapp group
✅ Click here for the reading plan